Australia, Barcelona, ARSEnium!

There is a pub in Port Olympico, they call it Australiaaaaa...
I went down to find the bar where Dani works, and there, amid all the Art Nouveau and tiny parrot-carrying bars of Catalunya, I found a strip of madness. Apparently for the Olympics, Barcelona decided to build a line of bars on the port where at a mere 9 euro per Guinness tourists can get gee-eyed and be liberated from their money. In Dani´s bar, they have semi-naked men/women jiggling on podiums (or is it podia?) and lots of men swarming round goggle-eyed and amazed. And the odd woman too. But it is kind of amusing in a porn-star sort of manner. Why do I always end up in places like this? Like the time I was in Chile and walked into a bar with black and white checked floor, black velvet walls, sailors in white UV-lit uniforms, and grown women dressed as bunny-rabbits. I was so tired it took me about 10 minutes to realise that there was anything odd about the place even!
But the staff there all love Dani, partly cos when he walks into stuff he shouts "B*STARD!" and they think it´s hilarious. So free drinks ensued and I had a lie-down by the marina and a stomping session in the fountain, followed by breakfast in the Barri Gothic. It was great.
Life is weird though at the moment what with trying to see each other given the shifts we have. He works from 9pm til 6am, 6 days a week. I work either 8am til 4, 4pm til 12, or 12 til 8am. I like working 4 til 12 best, but if I do that I hardly see the fella cos he´s asleep til 4 and gone to work when I return. But when he comes home at 7am I often get up to have a drink and a game of battleships with him. We also have a game where we watch the Catalan version of MTV which is called FlaixTV and guess what the next song is. We´re getting really good at it.
Ah lads, have you heard of a group called, aptly, "Arsenium". They are utter shite. They are hilarious. I suggest you look up the video for an entertaining rubbish Russian Richboy impression and a giggle. Tis our favourite curse at the moment - stub your toe..."ARSEnium!"
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