Potato prattle and work waffle...

I have spent the last six hours alternately raiding the machine here for food (and it offers only fake plastic crisps or rubber waffles), surfing the web, having baths in the bathroom and laughing. From my office window, for it is at work that I do be after having been, I have a fine view of downtown Barcelona, or rather would have if it were light outside. I love being paid to sit here arsin´ about, and writin my blog!
I went to see Wallace and Gromit today with Julie whom I work with, and it was gas. Seeing it on the big screen is great despite all the distracting munching sounds surrounding you. The level of detail in the film is great, and although the film won´t translate well into Spanish because of the puns it hardly makes a difference. Besides, I think we were surrounded by limeys inanyhows. Next up I want to watch the Corpse Bride...íf I can take the excruciating pain that is walking through the soul-sucking mall in Port Olympico.
I ended up in a tiny little Basque bar in the backstreets of El Born afterwards, called Bidasoa(which I have just been informed is a river: how ignorant of me!). Patatas bravas and chorizo are the way of the future boys, but I also poisoned myself with some cola for caffeine content. Night shift can be difficult if you feel you´ve actually done something that day. Julie´s boyfriend was being slagged by their lanky Polish friends because of the purple bead bracelet she made him one boring night at work. He glared with displeasure when I brightly pointed out that I´d taught her that pattern.
Manga, our little kitten, has been driving me absolutely nuts. Nathalie has not been home much lately so the cat sleeps all night and when I come home she wants to play. She does this sideways gallop wiggling her ass, and jumps randomly in the air swatting imaginary flies. She eats my books and my clothes and hair. If I kick her out of my room she just mieaows incessantly til I let her back in. And I am not someone who can sleep through any noise. Nextdoor are listening to some dodgy 80s tunes the second I come home as well (around 08:30 I heard Tiffany) and so sleeping has not been easy of late. But my winter-food-feeling is here and I have been eating everything in sight, not unlike the were rabbit in that film, or the feckin cat. Potatoes, as I mentioned before, are where it´s at.
Which reminds me: My sister has a great knack for picking up names of famous people and making them stick (at least it works for me!). I still can´t look at Wayne Rooney without thinking "Potato-head"...not that I expect to put him anywhere near my mouth this winter, thank god!
Please tell me Tiffany was singing "I Think We're Alone Now" when you were fighting with the kitten?
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