28 November 2006

Passe Passe

Mabel invited me to go to a wine-tasting session this evening. I agreed, despite feeling slightly depressed. I can only assume it is the come-down after the gig that has left me so hopeless. It will be fun. Giu came down to see us chatting. No kisses on the head this time. He stood by the wall. Mabel ran, "leaving us to it" and smiling manically. I am sure the girls behind me were watching with interest too but I didn't care. For a second, I saw a look on his face, as though he was unsure whether to kiss my cheek or not. I looked down and started talking. Yes, he had enjoyed the gig, and he was a bit impatient I didn't remember him saying that. Yes, he's okay, a bit stressed. I offered to help him put together a CD and shared with him the possibilities that might come from our gig. He was pleased for me. Thursday he would make the CD, yes Thursday. He tells me I know he is crap with days of the week in English. I wonder is he saying then on Thursday we will meet or what? I leave it.

At home I couldn't wait anymore. I sent him an email, basically saying:

I hope you are well. I have been very nervous with you, and well, I hope I am not irritating you lately. It is hard to get to know someone through cigarettes at work. Anyway, I just wanted to say again that if you need help with the CD let me know.
Otherwise I will see you for a cigarette soon.
PS Do you like Chilean Folk Music? There is a friend of mine playing on Saturday, if you would like to come?

That is as brave as I get. It is clear to both him and me from here on in. I am expecting a gentle rebuffal and am slightly disappointed already. Better to know now that later. And in fairness, no fault to me, what with all the kisses on the head.

Right, off to get plastered now. Drowning your sorrows is so very passe, don't you think?


Blogger Trevor Record said...

There is this japanese movie I saw called "cruel story of youth". I didn't think the movie was really so great, although the new yorker seemed to think it was swell... But I remember there was this scene where a middle aged man tells the female protagonist - who is a con artist that was trying to get money from him but got drunk and upset - that alcohol is a substance that multiplies feelings, so it is always a bad idea to drink when you are sad. He said that when he was sad he would cry until he felt better - and that he only drank when he was happy so that he would feel better.

Not that I do this. But I hadn't really thought of it before.

10:59 p.m.  
Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Passe seems to be the new black.

So fear not. It's fashionable to indulge in unoriginality.

Get drunk. Bark at the moon.

10:23 a.m.  
Blogger Green Glass Beads said...

How come all three of you have disappeared? How the hell can I read your blogs and answer your comments and where are you and how are you and arghhh! Please answer me!

3:11 p.m.  

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