There are times when I dream intensely, and become semi-concious as I pass from one dream to the next. Some nights I can remember as many as five or six dreams. Because they are so vivid, they are hugely gratifying, but also very disorientating. I thought I would share a few ongoing ones with you:

I am a soldier in a jungle that I suspect is somewhere in Africa as many of my comrades are black, as indeed am I. We are staking out a wooden slatted hut in which we know are some extremely dangerous militias who also deal in drugs. I give the command to enter, realising only when they burst out the door first that we have been set up. My men fall all round me as they are systematically shot in the line with which we had circled the hut, little suspecting a counter-attack. I know my only chance is to fall beneath a body, which I do. It is too late for them and I cannot afford to be repulsed by the nauseating smell of blood or the touch of luke warm bodies atop me. I must lift the house and hide under the coffins beneath and then hope for an element of surprise to help me escape. The problem is that I am claustrophobic.

I am an inmate in a prison in South America, quite possibly in Colombia. The prison is hugely overcrowded with tatty light blue or grey walls in each cell, and a veritable maze due to the constant splitting and resizing of cells. My comrades are frightened of me because I keep somewhat apart. But I have no time to waste. I must conceive of a plan to get me moved to another wing before the militia (again!) suss me out. The halls between cells are narrow and twisting not unlike low tunnels. Every night I hear the lullaby of the other inmates´screams as they are tortured and killed, either by guards or by gangs. Tonight is the night that I have made my plan. I cannot let them see me while I try and move, for my aim is not to escape, but merely pass a message, and possibly even get moved into a more secure cell, where the people I know are interned. That is how the messaging system here works. I start by setting a cell on fire. I won´t know what happens to the interns until later, but it´s a means to an end. The fire draws the guards. I start off up the tunnel, creating havoc as I go, but painfully aware that I am not familiar with this area, and I have to trust to my luck. The prison is in the throes of a riot now, and I reach my target and make the drop. That is only half the battle. I have to return through the corridors before being found missing, and without being scene. Some of the places I hide on the way back are pretty impressive.

I am a codebreaker in the first world war, and the entire world consists of a red maze with tunnels leading from people to departments to war zones. This is the only one of these dreams in which I am a woman. I have a charge of two kids, a boy and a girl, both of whom I am determined to protect, though not with my life. I want to protect them with my life but my job is too vital to be let down by two mere children. This is the constant struggle in my dream - how to save them for myself, without disobeying my orders. It is also a very claustrophobic dream, and it is only when I waken that the fear takes me, as I am hugely claustrophic in times of anxiety...
Here’s my 2 cent analysis:
House or environment is supposed to mean your life, and you have a flimsy hut and a prison. You feel like your present situation is temporary (precarious?), but at the same time you feel like you are trapped. you feel like an outsider and you have to communicate in strange ways. your biggest conflict is doing what you want to do, rather than what people expect of you
conclusion: you got the Barcelona blues!
its suppose to go: Everyone in the dream is you!
So what does that say?
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