16 January 2006

Raining money

Some people like the rain because it is different. I like it because it ushers in a kind of loneliness that I can accept and understand. The sky is that odd shade less than bright white, and the world seems less real because there is no blue sky. There is no gap between the endless grey of the city and the clouds. People stay in their own heads, and warm light seeps out into the damp streets. During the day this city doesn´t do it for me because to me daytime rain is luminous green grass and purple limestone mountains and earl grey tea and woolly jumpers that somehow don´t let the wet in and fishing on a lonely little blue rowboat. But the night draws the same silk blind over all of us, and at night all I sense is the encreased smell of foliage and the soft padding of steps at high speed through the city. The beach is damp and empty, the waves sh-sh softly along the shore with no-one to observe them. People spill out occasionally from the cinema and hurry into waiting cars or buses but the streets are free for mad speedy walkers like me, and there is no stopping.

I am someone who knows who I am and what I want. I just don´t have the wherewithall to get there. I want someone to tell me where to go, if I am going right or wrong, if I am being stupid or sensible. I can still go crazy if I like. But how can you make it someone else´s responsibility to look after and support you? At least, I have been told it is wrong.

I have started to write so many things and not finished. Not because I can´t always, but because sometimes it just goes bad and to keep writing is a farce. But finally I have an idea of what I am supposed to be doing. I think although Barcelona doesn´t suit me and I dislike working for a huge company, that I would be stupid not to take advantage of the interest-free loan they offer. I have always been someone who is better at paying back loans than saving money. So why don´t I just sort out all the stuff I need now, and then buy it all and pay it back gradually?

The situation in my flat is growing unbearable. We have no gas, and all it requires is someone to get the lads to come over with some canisters. But while the bauld Tato will happily bang around angrily without it, he will not go get any. I am in work all day so I haven´t been able. Today, Monday, I am finally free to get some and I have to ask him for money. My bank has lost my money somehow and I am unable to pay for anything til they find it. It has been over 2 weeks now, but i don´t have the heart in me to complain. Why should I change my behaviour to get something out of someone? Should I also yell at Tato? I don´t want to, and I´m the one who will carry the feeling around.

So instead I sit here dripping in an internet cafe waiting for the re-emergence of the gas guys to buy some canisters off them. Then I plan to go to the second hand bookshop and treat myself to a 3euro book from the money I borrowed from Nathalie. At least lots of people have offered to lend me, mainly cos I lent them in the past. That is a nice feeling, that you will be helped if you are stuck.


Blogger Patrick O'Neil said...

Very Zen of you, this line of thought, this acceptance on your part - very ZEN...

We can all be either a cog in the wheel or but another grain of sand on the beach of life...

Or we can bang and scream making a joyful noise, mindfully, mind you, and still accept what it all is.

Glad to see you're at least back on the internet, no matter how tenuously...

7:47 p.m.  
Blogger Guirilandia said...

At least think that while you have no gas for heat it’s better than all your roomies having gas ;)/*

And the bank losing your money. WTF? You gotta talk to these slackers. People are too friggin complacent here

7:52 p.m.  
Blogger Guirilandia said...

uh the banks, i mean

7:54 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor Record said...

I write a lot of things that I never finish. Even my blog control box has about 10 things that I have started, or jotted down ideas for, but never finished. I guess I don't delete them because they sometimes have good ideas I would not like to lose.

A teacher of mine once said "kill your darlings". Maybe i should start making better use of the "delete" button.

12:43 a.m.  

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