28 November 2006

Passe Passe

Mabel invited me to go to a wine-tasting session this evening. I agreed, despite feeling slightly depressed. I can only assume it is the come-down after the gig that has left me so hopeless. It will be fun. Giu came down to see us chatting. No kisses on the head this time. He stood by the wall. Mabel ran, "leaving us to it" and smiling manically. I am sure the girls behind me were watching with interest too but I didn't care. For a second, I saw a look on his face, as though he was unsure whether to kiss my cheek or not. I looked down and started talking. Yes, he had enjoyed the gig, and he was a bit impatient I didn't remember him saying that. Yes, he's okay, a bit stressed. I offered to help him put together a CD and shared with him the possibilities that might come from our gig. He was pleased for me. Thursday he would make the CD, yes Thursday. He tells me I know he is crap with days of the week in English. I wonder is he saying then on Thursday we will meet or what? I leave it.

At home I couldn't wait anymore. I sent him an email, basically saying:

I hope you are well. I have been very nervous with you, and well, I hope I am not irritating you lately. It is hard to get to know someone through cigarettes at work. Anyway, I just wanted to say again that if you need help with the CD let me know.
Otherwise I will see you for a cigarette soon.
PS Do you like Chilean Folk Music? There is a friend of mine playing on Saturday, if you would like to come?

That is as brave as I get. It is clear to both him and me from here on in. I am expecting a gentle rebuffal and am slightly disappointed already. Better to know now that later. And in fairness, no fault to me, what with all the kisses on the head.

Right, off to get plastered now. Drowning your sorrows is so very passe, don't you think?

The Day A Disaster Turned Out Okay

What more could go wrong? We had not rehearsed together since the last gig in September as Alex had been in the states, and then as soon as he came back Gordon had some sort of flu. So on Saturday night as I went down the stairs to check if everything was ready before the gig, I prayed nothing else would happen. The minute I walked in it was clear that the left speaker wasn't working. Alex and Darren were sweating in the dungeon changing cables and pressing keys and turning knobs. "There's no sound from the keyboard!" Darren yelled while shaking one cable and manically changing settings. "I have to let them in," I said quietly. They looked at me in despair. "We'll sort it out."

The night had started off well enough, despite the drummer being an hour and a half late and the fiasco with the amps. I told the bar staff it would be busy. They nodded. No, I mean busy, I mean call your extra staff. I knew for a fact 40 people who were coming. Then there were all the maybes. They stared at me for a minute, and grabbed the phone and started dialling desperately. Giuseppe came in. I was busy writing out set lists. I knew it was him because of the familiar squeeze of the arm and kiss on top of the head. When I saw his face it was definitely him. That's got to be a good sign, right? I know I looked pleased. He left the party early to come along early. I was delighted. We chatted a little as people started to flood in. Within minutes the upstairs was packed. Shit. Downstairs was smaller still...

The gig went fine. The first 5 minutes were pure technical problems, so I just talked and embarressed myself as usual. They all laughed. It was hot and dark, with people squashed right into the cubbyhole at the back, sitting on crates and right the way up to our feet. Unbelievable. Afterwards, there were so many to thank. Someone talked about a gig somewhere, someone else mentioned handing a CD to some record company guy. A guy from a TV production company asked me to sing on some song or other. Not bad for just our second gig, the first I actually invited people to (the last time I invited 4 people). MY boss from work told me to go for it, that this was obviously what I was meant to be doing. I don't think she meant she was going to fire me either.

Giuseppe had disappeared. I couldn't see him anywhere. Everyone was off to parties but we couldn't go because we had to get all the gear back to my house. Anyway, the last 2 weeks of sleeping little and eating even less was starting to crash down on me. We had a free bar but I only had a beer and a ginn&tonic. I asked Sven if he'd seen Giuseppe, not being able to hold my patience any longer. "Who?" he said. It turns out that though they's been talking all night and both work for the Italian team, that they didn't know each other. As if by magic Giuseppe appeared. "Where were you, I had been looking for you?" He smiled and pointed down the back where a big group of people were putting on their coats and filing out the door. "We're leaving now - to go to some club or other." I didn't hear an invite, but I think it may also have been clear that I wasn't going anywhere. In either case I was disappointed.

We managed to drag everything home and then sat a while listening to a new tune I wrote and having tea and cigarettes. Not very Rock and Roll. Over the next two weeks we have to record a CD to give to the record company guy just in case, and organise 2 further gigs. I wish I had a manager and no full-time job.

As for Giuseppe, well I don't even know if he liked the gig. Many people were raving about this and that but maybe it's just not his thing. Also his constant entourage makes it hard for me to know whether or not he needs space or needs to be chased. The last time we met for a drink was because someone else had cancelled on him. I don't want to have to chase but maybe that is what I will have to do? I rack my brains for inspiration. No, I can't think of anything. So for 2 days I have not contacted him, despite his assertion he would see me on Monday (I don't work on Mondays). So it looks like I will have to book him or wait until the 16th which is when he does his gig. He strikes me as the type who has constant attention. But then I was so sure he liked me.

What is a kiss on the head and a hug squeeze to someone you barely know?

22 November 2006

Roses are Red, so are Cold-Sores

Two conversations:

Giu and I are awkwardly but happily chatting as he sits at his desk and I lean on the edge of it.
Yannis: So are you two exchanging....music again?
Giu and I, simultaniously: Eh no! I...she....I...she...came back to give me a tenner...
Yannis: It looks bad, you guys...in work...
*Excessive blushing and a delighted smile from Yannis before he takes off*

Yannis: So I told you I'm having a party on the day of your gig?
Me: Yes. You can always come afterwards...
Yannis: Well luckily it finishes at 10. So I might bring some people.
Me: Well it is free in.
Yannis: So is Giu coming?
Me: Eh, yeah. Remember he told you about it?
Yannis: So is he coming on Saturday night?
Me: *blush* Yeah I think so.
Yannis: But is he coming on Saturday.
Me: Well...
Yannis: Is he though?
Me: Why don't you ask him yourself if you want to know so badly! *Red as a naked nun*
*Smug smile from Yannis as he kisses my cheek and saunters off to the metro*

In context: On Monday I decided on a whim to email Giu, the lovely Italian from upstairs mentioned in the last post, and tell him I was heading down to my Local after my rehearsal. I left it open: if he wanted to come he could, or else I would see him Saturday at the gig.

After rehearsal I received a text message so we met and went to the bar...to find it CLOSED! It was Monday! I completely forgot! Mortified, I apologised, but Giu suggested going elsewhere to spare my blushes and we had a few drinks and great chat before heading homeward. I told him I would be rehearsing on Thursday and we agreed to meet then. Do you just want to arrange it now, he asked, or will I give you a call? I said I would call him when I was done.

When I saw him the next day I asked Are we still on for Thursday. He looked at me like I was an idiot and said Yes of course! He also reminded me he had promised me a CD and he was working on it.

Gossip extras:
Michela met Giu downstairs while having a fag. He went up to her and said You are the one who is leaving! She smiled and said yes, how did you know. Greenglass told me, he replied. Michela said Ahhhh, and then he BLUSHED again! If he isn't interested then I am still intrigued by a man with such dark skin who blushes so easily!

P.S. I never made it to the graveyard the otherday. They cancelled the bus that goes there, I couldn't find the new one that is not yet on the map, and ended up in a bookshop having toasties and orange juice and discussing world affairs while trying not to buy too many secondhand books.

19 November 2006

Wobbly Gigs,Temper Tantrums and Graveyards

Lollipops are the theme I have chosen for my band's webpages, and I like the idea that they are like a brightly coloured mix of flavors, somewhat like our music. I also like writing that if you are not dazzled by us, then get blind drunk and look again. Thing is, the music is not moving. We play in a week, on Saturday the 25th, and our bassplayer is still in England, returning on Thursday. He is looking for studios in London. Will I have to choose between him and my keyboard player? Will he still want to play when he has a job as a hotshot? It's at times like this I wish ferverently that I had figured out how to do it all on my own.

I also have a hangover of a film I just watched - about Queen Elizabeth, with Cate Blanchett. My god, but she is a stunning woman. I have poise but I don't have her looks. It makes me crave being fair again, and want to dance again, and reminds me that it is hard to be a successful woman if you give in to your heart too much. Don't worry, I won't be marrying England anytime soon, but it made me pause for thought.

On a lighter note, my flatmate Patrick had his nephew over to visit. We ended up having a chat til 7am about quantum physics, Pat trying drunkly to explain the finer points of the superstring theory, and Ben befuzzling him with his engineering dictionary while I tried to clarifty for him what the hell Pat was on about(a book called the fabric of the cosmos). The wine was devine and we went out twice more during his stay. One of the times out I met my friend's husband, who I adore, and started again making comments about my eyes blah blah blah. I have blue eyes which only look big cos my face is small and they are always surrounded by big black hollows. Luckily he realised he was drunk and backed off, so I could take it as a compliment, but I suspect that they are going through a rough time. It might explain his delight to see me - I am "safe" female company. The free chupitos (shots) and rum colas certainly helped us enjoy the night.

I also ended up back in the Dubliner, the bar where I met that horrendous fellow from London. To be fair, I feel a bit sorry for the guy, but I can't learn his lessons for him. I just hope he wakes up to find himself in a boat and starts to paddle rather than leans out and drowns in 2 inches of water...Anyway Ben, Pat's nephew, was the perfect good example of a fun english person, and we met all the Scots all over again and had the craic, ending with the usual trawling around behind someone, looking for some place that is open. I wonder will I ever grow up? I hope not.

As for my ex-flatmate's visit, well it went very well. The only problem is she lives nextdoor to my ex-boyfriend in Dublin, and kept talking about him and his girlfriend and new baby and flirting...I wanted to be able to be normal about it, but I knew I was angry. Angry at him for lying to me, and his stupid comment about "oh I wanted to be the first to tell you about the baby" after I had contacted HIM. Stinky liar. And angry that I am still so hurt and not happily jumping in and out of my familiar messes. And angry that everyone knows I am still incrediblyu hurt and tries to pity me. But I listened and tried to stay quiet. So the next day in work when my boss came to me with a sheet of paper where I had ticked the wrong box somewhere, I completely flipped. I insisted I was stupid and would never learn to tick the right box, demanded they tell me I was useless, and finally burst out crying and ran into the bathrooms and locked myself into a cubicle. I cried and after about 2 hours they sent up the security guard to check I was still alive (I was horribly rude to him) and meanwhile I sat crunched into a corner plotting how to spend the rest of my life in that cubicle without having to speak to anyone or get up off the floor.

Eventually I came out, mortified, and they were really nice to me and said they understood why I'd flipped and that I was a perfectionist. I laughed and asked them to explain it to me cos I didn't understand it. I went back to my desk to find that the lads in england had looked up my myspace and band and I had reams of lovely pen-pal style emails, including one from a colleague saying "Have you left? I wanted to be first you stinky liar! If you haven't, better luck next time, even if I'm secretly glad". I thought that was lovely. I also had a visit from a very lovely Italian from upstairs who wants to make music with me (sorry, I had to make it sound cheesey, but I wouldn't mind). So it worked out in the end.

For the rest, I am panicked as all hell about my gig, and really suffering from exhaustion exacerbated by the fact that I can't eat much and am smoking too much (cigarettes). But I am in good form, certain that I cannot return home yet, certain that like a circling tiger I am somehow creeping forward and snaring my prey, certain that I have something about me which is not all bad, and if all else fails I can always become a physicist or an engineer.

And the weather is that autumn-scented wet-windy air circuling the streets, reminding me that nature can pierce this city's strangling embrace despite all the dusty streets and light the buildings without their consent. I love walking along in my long skirts and green coat and woolly scarf, the wind waking me from the outside in, the sun still setting the best part of the day alight, the mountains misty and watchful in the distance like mournful elms in a graveyard. And speaking of which, tomorrow I am finally going to check out the old jewish catacombes in the cemetry on Mont Juic. I can't wait! I love graveyards.