Scatty summary with Scots and Snow

It's just 2 days until I go home, and there is snow on the ground. My dad wrote me a text telling me to wrap up warm and an email to tell me he will collect me from the airport if I like. I think I would rather have him collect me than Dani because I am tired of how disorganised Dani is. I haven't heard from him since he was cut off, and I don't know what to do. I have organised somewhere for myself to stay because I couldn't be arsed to keep asking him. I received an email from Catherine saying she had met my cute Russian who is apparently a writer and off to Argentina but I have no bog who she is referring to. But he sounds nice - hehehe.
On Friday evening I ostensibly went Christmas shopping, with every intention of buying presents for my family. I bought a white jumper for a fiver and a red skirt for myself. Shockin´ behaviour. On Saturday I marched into the supermarket and bought an armload of turron and chocolate to bring home. I also bought myself a coat. I just got paid, you see and well I got a bit more than I expected and it was a frockcoat of which I have wanted one for nigh on 6 years now. The only trouble is that it is exactly the same colour green as the other coat I have. I asked the man in the shop if he had any other colour, even black, but no. I love green, and I wear a lot of green but the two coats are really exactly the same colour. I can hear my mam now: WHAT? You spend a hundred quid on exactly the same coat? Are you MAD?!
Friday night was the night I went to see the comedy in some theatre or other. I went first up to Darren´s house where we spent an hour and a half browsing Google Earth. I marked some of my houses and then went for a fly over Siberia and even managed to find my way around Pennsylvania and Washington DC which I have never even been in! I also went nuclear power plant hunting in Cumbria but I couldn´t find Sellafield on this occasion. I was so busy flying over toxic mud pools that before I knew it we had 5 minutes before leaving and I had to finish a half bottle of wine and a G&T. Well I did. We arrived at the theatre and went upstairs where I found a mostly English speaking audience and several people that I knew including a Welshman called Owen and his girlfriend Celine who are friends of Audrey´s, and some dude called Simon from New Zealand as well as some dude called Joel from London. If Londoners can be called dudes. In anycase I was hyper as hell and fell on my arse next to some Irish guy who told me later that I did so very elegantly(even though my howling with laughter probably drew attention to me). Of course no-one I know saw it so I had to tell them all. In any case, it was not long til I was hammered, aided no doubt by the magic pipe of young Simon. The comedy night was reasonably good until the audience suddenly became much drunker than me, and started heckling one of the comedians. I mean really booing. And it was just they were too mean and drunk to get his slightly clever stories. He dealt well with it, but the result was that the main act (or maybe he was the main act) refused to play, and the only shit element of the night which was a "comic" blues band type cheesy caberet affair took over for the night. No thanks. We left. Then somehow I found myself in Apollo which I swear I have never been to before, but I knew it. With Johnny the Scotsman in tow.
I dunno if I told you about Johnny, but basically he is a needy man I met in a bar on one of those unfortunate nights when people are paired equally in both sexes. And when your friend goes off with one, well then obviously whoever you are stuck with thinks you must be left over for him. Nice, eh? Anyway, on that particular occasion I got so pissed off I just went home and left them all rather than go dance. So on Friday suddenly I find myself with this besuited white runner wearing Scot wavering from side to side, launching dangerously my way, and I suddenly felt depressed again. I didn´t remember too well what happened next but Darren told me he came back from the toilet to see me standing at the stairs downcast and mumbling something about not being able to take it anymore (my catchphrase). He said:"Do you want to ditch him?" Horrible as those words were, I felt incredibly relieved and we went downstairs to dance to some bloody techo shit. But it was already too late and I stood there and cried for ages, but it was dark and no-one could see, and it was the kind of tears that just fall and no sound comes out.
On Saturday I went to a birthday party out in Verdaguer. Everyone there nearly works for the same company as I do. The girl who´s birthday it was was really lovely and had organised food and cava for the night. I was trying to have manners and not drink the cava as I didn´t really belong at the birthday party, but then when the food appeared I dropped all my worries and tucked in. I walked home that night of feet of glass.
On Sunday I woke as per usual with the cat wrapped around my neck. I can´t wear pyjamas despite the current cold, as the cat is like a fecking hotwater bottle. It´s great. Anyway, I went for a rehearsal with a sick Darren and a what appeared to be drunk Gordon. Speaking of which, what is the craic with the whole drinking culture thing? I enjoy my beer too, but this need to drink a litre of gin first thing in the morning leaves me perturbed. Dani is like this also, with the additional bonus that he wants me to drink if he is drinking. God I just realised I´m a whinging aul biddy! In anyways, we went through some of the songs and they are sounding really great! I am so pleased! I hope that we will be able to get a gig together in January but that might be jumping the gun a wee bit and I would like to do it properly this time.
It's just 2 days until I go home, and there is snow on the ground.